
La traversée d'une vie

ISBN: 979-10-96561-05-6 15,00 


French-English bilingual edition

On June 13, 1917, general John Pershing lands in France at the head of 2 million American soldiers, in order to help the French under the threat of invasion. They shout: “LaFayette, here we are!”
LaFayette, but who is LaFayette? This book retraces the life of the young lord who embarked on the Hermione, to support the American Insurgents. Works of art, paintings, political caricatures, rare documents, coming from French and foreign collections depict his life at Versailles, during the Revolution, his fights for Liberty, but also his errings…
LaFayette, was made Citizen of Honour of the United States.

21 x 28 cm
96 pages
116 illustrations