L’Heure de Vérité

horloge astronomique de la cathédrale de Beauvais

ISBN: 979-10-96561-19-3 39,00 

The authors, members of the Association Beauvais Cathédrale, wanted to pay tribute to this discreet and generous man who was Auguste Lucien Vérité by presenting the astonishing richness of his masterpiece: the astronomical clock of the Beauvais cathedral. Olivier de Mercey, architecte, Jean Paul Crabbe, clockmaker, Christian Mangé, photographer, François Usquelis, archivist, Père Philippe Gruson, Bible specialist.

Create “an exceptionally beautiful and instructive clock for the believers” was the aim of its clockmaker Auguste Lucien Vérité.
The authors present Auguste Lucien Vérité and his work, tell the surprising adventures the clock went through, its history, show how the architectural furniture and the order of the planet system carry a spiritual teaching. A second part explains the functioning of intricate clockwork mechanisms with beautiful designs by a master of the 21st century.
The purpose of the authors of this book is to give a living testimony of a secular culture and savoir-faire. This clock is a masterpiece of science and art, the result of the passion, of artists and craftsmen, and of the genius of this humble Beauvaisien named Auguste Lucien Vérité.

24 x 28 cm
200 pages
250 illustrations approximately