Album du Comte du Nord

Le Nôtre à Chantilly

ISBN: 978-2-903824-30-3 55,00 

The 10th of June, the prince of Condé received the count and the countess of North at Chantilly. Behind this transparent fictitious name were hiding the Grand Duke of Russia Paul Petrovitch, future czar Paul Ist, and his wife the Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna. These assumed names, commonly used by the princes in the 18th century during their journeys, did not mislead anybody but gave to these leisure trips the charm of private visits and allowed to escape from the etiquette’s pressure. This album is an in folio atlas of 32 plates, bound in red Levant with the Russia arms, showing through plans and elevations the castle, its gardens and their pavilions, the hamlet and the stables. When the Soviets sold the collections and the library of the czars, the Institut de France acquired it in 1930. This book is a facsimile of this album, at the quarter of its size, commentated by Jean-Pierre Babelon.

24 x 32.5 cm
88 pages
40 colour and black & white illustrations